The programme started with a round of introductions of all trainers and apprentices.
Ariane Hilker (Commercial Apprenticeship Manager) and Michael Bohrmann (Head of HR) introduced KOB. During a tour, the new apprentices saw the production and the apprentice workplace for the first time.
Monica Oliveira shortly explained the individual stations. She completed her apprenticeship as a weaver at KOB 32 years ago. She is one of four exempted trainers who fully concentrate on the development of the apprentices.
After the tour, delicious coffee and cake were served to everyone. On this occasion, first questions could be answered.
This year, 22 apprentices, three dual students and one FOS trainee in twelve jobs start at KOB. Together with their trainers, they will experience a two-week introductory phase at the end of August, during which they will all get to know each other better through activities such as climbing and hiking.
We wish all future apprentices a successful start to their apprenticeship and a great time at KOB!