
Code of Conduct

In KOB’s Code of Conduct you will find KOB’s compliance standards

Code of Conduct

KOB Integrity Channel

Your opportunity to raise concerns - even anonymously

KOB Group Whistleblower System


At KOB, we encourage everyone, both employees and externals, to raise concerns and report misconduct, such as violations of applicable laws or our Code of Conduct.

Our principles:

  • Our Integrity Channel is open to everyone - reports can be submitted in different languages.
  • Fairness and whistleblower protection are fundamental principles for us - we treat your report independently, objectively, promptly and strictly confidentially.
  • After receiving your report, you will be given an acknowledgement of receipt within seven days.
  • We take all reports seriously and follow up on all leads.
  • If necessary, we will determine and implement appropriate remedial measures (if necessary, the measures will include relevant suppliers/business partners).
  • We will inform you of the outcome of the investigation and (if applicable) of remedial measures.
  • We do not tolerate retaliation - please speak up if you suffer reprisals.

External reporting bodies in Germany
As an alternative to reporting via the KOB Integrity Channel, you can also contact external reporting bodies with your concerns. You can find more information here:
Federal Office of Justice:

BfJ - Whistleblower Office

Statement of principles on human rights strategy  

The statement of principles provides information about our structures and the measures we take to act in accordance with ethical, social and ecological standards in all our business areas and the associated supply chains.

Our human rights officer: Sebastian Grünewald (, +49 162 245 2769).

Human Rights Strategy