The recently launched H2TRAIN research project aims to develop new types of biosensors for digital healthcare and smart tracking of sports and fitness. The project focuses on the processing of new materials and improved energy generation, particularly for e-health applications
Project goals
Sensors for e-health and fitness tracking are omnipresent. Despite the impressive potential of recent technological advances, there are a number of other promising approaches that H2TRAIN aims for:
- Detecting new biosignals and monitoring complex activity patterns
- Improving battery life and energy management during continuous operation
- Data analysis using AI-algorithms
1D- and 2D-materials are used to develop more efficient and miniaturized biosensor functions, including sweat, motion, blood glucose and pH sensors that work in parallel with ECG, EMG and SpO2 signals.
KOB GmbH is mainly involved in the use case “Remote Post-Surgery & Rehab Monitoring” and is working on the textile integration of the sensors and the validation in field studies. Two further use cases deal with “Remote Assisted Living” and “Intelligent Adaptive Sport Coaching”.
Project key facts
- Full project title: “Enabling digital technologies for Holistic Health-lifestyle motivational and assisTed supeRvision supported by Artificial Intelligence Networks (H2TRAIN)”
- International consortium consisting of 34 partners from seven European countries
- Funded by Horizon Europe and the Federal Ministry of Education and Research
- Project period: 01.05.2024 - 30.04.2027
“Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the granting authority. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.”